Thursday, April 7, 2011

Promoting Modestty: Unlocking Femininity

Unlocking And Modesty My computer is having trouble copying and pasting so I am not able to copy and paste this artical. In order to read this artical simply copy and paste the link in the Google search engine. BTW: This NOT a direct link. Thanks! God Bless! Sorry for the inconvience. Happy reading! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Added To Modesty

Hey! I just wanted to let everyone know that I felt compelled to add to one of my blog posts, the one entitled, "Modesty". You may wanna' go back and read over it again, I added a whole bunch more to it...I read over it just recently and it sounded sort of incomplete so, the completed version of my blog post, "Modesty", is now live. Thanks everyone! '

Many blessings ,


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another post, another apology

So I'm sorry, recently my posts have been getting shorter and shorter..okay, maybe I can't juggle like I thought. That doesn't mean I'm giving up! I am still very much trying my hardest to keep everyone up to date on all of my blogs! lol...okay so new news, my Husband and I have been discussing our finances and we are thinking that it may be wise to disconnect the Internet to save $$. (Yeah you know what that means) But! I have good news...there is always the Library so I can easily go there (once a week) and work on blogging! More new news: My Husband and I may be moving again....I know it hasn't been that long...but it may just be what God wants. We are both very excited to see all that God is doing in us and through us and to us! Thanks everyone for your prayers.

More posts to come,

A BIG God Bless You to you, and your loved ones,


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's my Hubby's 20th Birthday Today HOORAY!!!!!!!!

HAPPY 20th Birthday! HOORAY HONEY!!!

A Surprise Visit

My friend Jamie came to visit my Husband and I, she brought her daughter along to visit us one Sunday afternoon. It was quite a surprise! It was great to see all of you again! :)
Sorry, this was a short post! Until next post,


Friday, February 25, 2011

ATTENTION EVERYONE! Calling ALL People!! Read This!

Hello! Okay so, I've got 4 blogs I'm juggling now! :) I felt God leading me to create another website. To see what that website is all about, please click on the link above. Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy my new website! (Just to inform all of you) *THIS IS STILL MY HOME BLOG* My main one. So...don't worry readers! I will keep it up to date, as well as my other blogs. Who says I can't juggle? LOL. Now this new website only has one post so far -it was just created today so, give it time...and I will have some more posts up in the near future for all of you to read if you are interested! i'm excited about the new blog and I hope you are too! Go check it out! =]


PS: Other links you might be interested in:

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This And That